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Earth Spirit Yoga

Medicine Dream Wisdom Keepers Expedition
  • Medicine Dream Wisdom Keepers Expedition

    Amazon Jungle and The Sacred Valley of the Inka


    Our Medicine Dream Expedition allows for a deeper experience of traditional Peruvian medicine ways with authentic traditional Medicine People of both the Amazon Jungle and The Sacred Valley of the Inka.

    Earth Spirit Yoga is for those with discerning taste as we work with a highly respected authentic traditional native Amazonian Plant Doctor and with the Andean Q’ero Medicine People, the descendants of the Inka.

    This expedition gives you the opportunity to experience the powerful plant medicine, Ayahuasca, with the utmost safety and comfort while relaxing in a beautifully appointed luxurious jungle lodge deep in the Peruvian Amazon.

    Then, we journey with the Q'ero through the Sacred Valley of the Inka for a week of heart opening and earth honouring rituals at their stunning sacred temples and sites. 

    With over a decade of experience facilitating retreats and expeditions in South America, our success is due to the experienced and professional team at Earth Spirit Yoga and our commitment to working with only the best traditional Amazonian and Andean Medicine People and local guides.

    This expedition will clear and clean your very being, reconnect and guide you to your higher purpose and allow you to relate with the world like never before.

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